In Love

Falling in love - someday it will happen to you. You will find yourself suddenly falling in love and it will amaze you.

In Love
In Love

You can't run away from it. Love eventually catches up with everyone. It may be sooner or later. Whatever the time, however long it takes, you can be absolutely sure someday will fall head over heels in love with someone.

In Love
In Love

Sharon, on the other hand, was madly in love. She saw something in him she hadn't seen anywhere else. Her boyfriend, Larry, was broad shouldered, tall, tough, raw, bold, unrelenting, and daring. He could stare death in the face and not bart an eyelid. Her boyfriend was a real man!

In Love
In Love

Sharon was madly in love with Larry and there was no stopping her. Her parents could not understand why their rich and well-breed daughter fell in love with a poor heroine smoking gangster. Her friends couldn't understand either.

In Love
In Love

Sharon fell in love with a dream - a bold, daring, no nonsense, dare devil guy. He had the looks and the heart of a lion. She admired that bravery, that manly boldness. Soon that admiration turned to love. And there was no stopping her.

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love

In Love
In Love


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